
The Marvel Arcade: Hard Enamel Pins + Apparels + Shakers

Created by Tomi

Hard Enamel pins based on the MCU heroes and villains! Pledge and collect tickets to redeem FREE gifts!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Address Changes Lock Notice!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 09:42:54 AM

Hello, everyone! 

The last patch of pins is on its way! I will start fullfilment next week while they are in transit, so I need your final shipping adress! 

Backerkit should now send you an email about locking adress changes, so please make sure your current adress is what’s listed. Youll have 2 days to do that. ^^

I will be sharing a ton of pictures and bts of packing on Instigram, so make sure to follow me there if you like to see that :D 


I can’t wait to send them to you!

Thank you all for your support!


Production Wrapped Up & Shipping Update!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 08, 2021 at 01:40:19 PM

Hello, everyone! 

Happy new year! I hope you're having an amazing year so far! Sorry for the lack of updates. I was waiting to have some final pictures to show you! Production is officially wrapped up! 

The last patch of pins finished production and will be sent to me soon! 

The final 6! :D

I will hopefully start packing orders later this month or early February! I am so excited for you to see them up close they are so cute! Pictures don't do them justice at all ; u ; 

You can see some unboxing videos over on my Instagram. I got 3 big boxes full of plushie cuteness cx

Shipping adress changes: 

Soon you will get an email from Backerkit that will give you one last chance to change your order. Please take a second to double check your address is correct! It would help a lot!

Support on Patreon: 

This month on Patreon we are making Tony Stark! :D Feel free to join if you want him! 

Tony Stark! This month's Patreon Exclusive pin!

Thank you so much for your patience! Have an amazing day! 


More pin pictures!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 10:48:37 PM

Hello, everyone!

I got more pretty pin pictures from my manu and thought I’d share them with you. 😍

They also finished 2 of my Patreon pins. Steve and Bucky are in the secret shop but you can still join for Natasha!

I hope you like them! I’m so excited to get this months patch from them.

October Update: More production progress.
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 11:00:28 AM

Hello, everyone! 

I am so sorry for the delay in the October update! I honestly forgot ^^; I've been fulfilling 2 big Kickstarters, so my mind skipped it. Thank you to the backer that reminded me! <3 I appreciate it. 

Let's get to it! 

Products in hand: 

  • Acrylic shakers - All designs 
  • Acrylic keychains - All designs 
  • Art prints - All except one (Accidentally printed one design twice xD) 
  • Pin board fillers - All of them except the stars 
  • Pouches - All designs 
  • Lanyards - All designs 
  • Plushie pins: 2 variants and 4 designs 

Products that finished production, but did not ship yet: 

Mainly lots of the plushies are finishing one by one. I will get another patch shipped to me by the end of this month, so I will take better pictures for the next update. 

Not ordered yet: 

Apparels and stickers will be ordered when the last patch of pins is ready. Both are UK-based, so they will take a week max to get to me. I prefer this, so I don't store them for so long. 

You can find more pictures on my Instagram highlight "Updates". @_Tomina


Pin Club:

If you want to support my work and give direct feedback for future products while collection more Marvel pins, please consider joining us on Patreon! This months design is Natasha <3 Steve and Bucky are available via the secret shop.

November's rewards
Full collection so far.

Thank you for your support and patient. <3 

Stay safe;


More Plushies! (New Kickstarter)
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 17, 2020 at 01:25:08 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.